Auction Bank India Blog


Bank Auction Properties in Chennai

One of the most beautiful South Cities of India - Chennai, it is the largest economic hub, cultural hub and educational centre of South India. The City always clings to its rich cultural heritage from the past, while it also accommodates all the modern necessities of life. A survey by Mercer’s Quality of Living Survey....

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Bank Auction Properties in Kolkata

Kolkata has the largest market in Eastern India and has ranked above the major real estate market players such as Gurgaon, Noida, and Mumbai in terms of growth in the last 10 years. Furthermore, the survey also ascertains that Kolkata has the largest unsold inventories, especially due to COVID-19, despite which the market size ranks....

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Bank Auction Properties in Bangalore

Bengaluru the capital of Karnataka is proving to be a shining spot for real estate investors. The city has witnessed phenomenal migration for several decades to become the hub of the Indian IT industry with a 40 per cent share. Bangalore has never failed to lure settlers, investors and property buyers with its charm. It....

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Bank Auction Properties in Mumbai

The bustling metropolitan city of Mumbai is known as the Land of Dreams; a title that rings true in more ways than one. Forged from the murky depths of the Arabian Sea and the raging fires of the industrial revolution, the port city of Mumbai has changed hands multiple times over its long and storied....

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